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enterprise management service中文是什么意思

用"enterprise management service"造句"enterprise management service"怎么读"enterprise management service" in a sentence


  • 企业管理服务


  • Hangzhou huizhi enterprise management service co . , ltd is a professional job hunter company , providing excellent service for our customers with its scientific workflow
  • Our staff members are experienced top managements in big enterprises , well informed of the enterprise management service and personnel resource management
  • Shanghai huaguan enterprise management service co . , ltd . is a new established organization specializing in management consulting and taining on the basis of uniting with shanghai weilun business consulting co . , ltd . . our business include the following fields : management system certification consulting ; product certification consulting ; enterprise management consulting ; enterprise information system construction consulting ; investment consulting ; financial management consulting and accounting affairs agency , etc
用"enterprise management service"造句  
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